Brajesh Jha

Web Developer



I am a second yr undergraduate student of the department of civil engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. creating something that can be used  in real life drives me to create software or websites.Photoshop, though a little unrelated, a field that has caught my  eye the most.I'm really interested in creating new designs and posters in my free time


What Can I do for you

Web Development

I have been developing websites for 2 years most of my work is for SpringFest IIT kharagpur, I worked on ReactJS PHP javascript CSS. curently a am working for Flipr innovation Lab as a Software Developer


Some of my recent works

Web devlopment

Nation Wide Prelims

Nationwide prelims Springfest is one of the most  essential part of spring fest, participants from various states of the country go through audition to enter  finals held at spring Fest IIT Kharagpur. As a member of Tech team of Springfest 2020 we created NWP website using ReactJS and PHP

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Web devlopment

Wildfire Springfest

Wildfire is India's oldest and the most prestigious rock band competition which turned international in 2017. With prizes worth lakhs of rupees and your prestige at stake, Wildfire has been the launch pad for many contemporary bands including -Underground Authority, Parikrama and more.I created this website using HTML CSS javascript and PHP.

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Web devlopment

Merchandise website Springfest 2020

We made springfest merchandise website to create online platform for selling merchandise, year this year more than 2000 merchandise were sold, we created this website using ReactJs and PHP.

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Web devlopment


As a member of Nation servise scheme IIT Kharagpur we are always looking for making NSS work more fluent creating a website was a step forward in this process,we created this website using ReactJS and FLask.

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work experience

Some of my recent works

  • Spring Fest Sub-Head Tech team(2019-2020)

    Designed and developed websites for Spring Fest 2020 which was used by over 20,000 users to get access to all the fest related information.

  • NSS web team(2019-2020)

    Developed official website for National servise system IIT kharagpur

  • Flipr Innovation Lab (2020-Present)

    Developed websites for company as a Web Developer(Intern) most of the work done using ReactJS.


work together